Following a diet (One of best ways for weight loss is keto diet ) or exercise program can be difficult. Before you have a good diet or exercise program from a well-known trainer, it is best to modify your daily eating and sleeping habits.
When speak about weight loss, it is often said that eat less, exercise more. It is true that exercise causes weight loss, but often exercise alone does not cause weight loss, and you can lose weight without exercise in a week and only by correcting bad habits.
A very important point is that you know calories amount received from each meal and calories amount consumed from your daily activities, in other words, your activities should be proportional to calories amount received.
In this article, we will also introduce best ways to lose weight without exercise in a week and prevent weight gain. (If you want to know read this article how to lose belly fat)
29 best ways to lose weight without exercise in a week
1.Chew thoroughly and eat slowly
how do you lose weight without exercise in a week by chew slowly?
When you eat more slowly, your brain has more opportunity to process food.
When you chew food more slowly, you feel fuller and eat less, so you lose your weight.
You may need to chew more to get used to eating slowly.
According to research, people who eat faster become more obese.
How to Chew Properly
2.Use Smaller Plates for Unhealthy Foods
You eat more when you eat on a larger plate. Plates are bigger today than they were decades ago.
Try to serve healthier foods on larger plates and unhealthy foods on smaller plates so that you have to eat less unhealthy foods.
When you fill your smaller plate, you trick the brain into eating a full plate while your food intake is reduced.
3.Eat Plenty of Protein
Protein has a great effect on appetite. When you eat protein, you feel fuller, in other words, it helps you eat fewer calories.
This may be due to the presence of hormones in the protein including ghrelin and GLP-1.
Research has shown that people who ate less protein ate about 441 fewer calories and lost 11 pounds in 12 weeks without forcing themselves to eat deliberately.
If you eat whole grains for breakfast, it is better to pay more attention to breakfast with protein, including eggs.
In one study, pregnant women who ate eggs for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch than those who ate a whole grain breakfast.
In addition, they consumed fewer calories at the end of the day and over the next 36 hours.
Eating high-protein yogurt as an afternoon snack reduces hunger and calorie intake at subsequent meals.
Simple ways to increase the amount protein in your diet include adding a tablespoon chia seeds or eating more eggs in your diet.
Some examples of protein-rich foods include chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils and almonds.
Some research has shown that eating protein in the morning can help control your appetite in a day, so try replacing your oatmeal with eggs.
7 Ways To Eat More Protein
4.Eat Fiber-Rich Foods
The fiber in food increases the feeling of satiety and helps you stay full longer.
A type of fiber called sticky fiber, which is found mostly in plant foods such as beans, oats, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges and flaxseeds, is very useful for weight loss because it increases satiety and thus You eat less.
Viscose fiber in contact with water forms a gel. This gel increases the time of absorption of nutrients and slows down the emptying of your stomach.
A weight loss supplement called glucomannan is also very high in viscous fiber.
Benefits fiber in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains:
- Increased satiety
- Slow down digestion
- Increase food transport time and nutrient uptake
- Prevent constipation
Top 21 fiber foods + how much fiber you really need:
10 fiber rich foods for weight loss :
How to eat a fiber rich diet :
5.Drink Water Regularly and lose weight without exercise in a week
If you drink water before a meal, it will make you eat less and help you lose weight. Drinking about half a liter of water before a meal reduces hunger and calorie intake.
Studies have shown that those who drank water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not.
You will see more effect if you replace high-quality beverages such as soft drinks or fruit juices with water.
Always try to have your water bottle with you. Many times the brain does not correctly detect thirst and hunger, and you can quench not only the feeling thirst but also the feeling hunger just by drinking cold water and maintain your metabolism.
8 health drinking water benefits:
How much water should you drink every day ?
10 ways to drink more water:
6.Serve Yourself Smaller Portions
Divide your food ration into smaller portions. Compared to the last few decades and with restaurants, these sizes have increased.
This method means that you divide the meals into several meals, for example, instead of eating a lot of food once in one lunch, eat less in more meals.
This method is mostly used in snacks. In this way, you will feel more full.
Research shows that doubling your appetizer increases your calorie intake by 30%.
Serving a smaller portion of food can help you eat fewer calories and you may not even notice it.
How portion control can help you maintain a healthy weight?
7.Eat without being distracted by the TV or mobile phone
When you pay attention to eating, you eat more. For example, when you are distracted by a cell phone or TV, you do not realize how much you ate and this causes you to eat more calories and this will increase your weight.
In one study, distracted people ate about 10 percent more food. Even people who were distracted in one diet ate 25 percent more calories at the next meal.
If you regularly use electronic devices such as TV or mobile phone while eating, it will cause you to eat more food and so you will gain weight.
8.Store Unhealthy Foods out of Sight
When foods are in front of you, your chances of craving and hunger increase, so you eat more, and this will increase your weight.
It is better to put healthy foods such as fruits on your kitchen table or in front of your eyes and keep unhealthy foods out of your sight, for example, in the closet.
Top unhealthy foods you probably eat every day:
How to stop eating junk food:
9.Sleep well without stress
When we speak about weight loss, most people are oblivious to sleep and stress.
Try to get a good night’s sleep, not stay up at night and sleep in the morning because staying up at night causes a variety of diseases such as liver disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and ….
Lack of sleep may interfere with appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. The other hormone, cortisol, rises when you are stressed.
Fluctuations in these hormones can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods and lead to higher calorie intake.
Sleep deprivation will cause you to gain weight. How does sleep deprivation increase your weight? When you do not get enough sleep, you feel more hungry and craving for unhealthy, high-fat, high-calorie foods, and as a result you eat more. This means that not only do you eat more, but you eat more unhealthy foods.
Less than 6 hours of sleep a night can increase a person’s risk obese.
Why sleep helps with weight loss:
Better sleep for weight loss success:

10. Eliminate Sugary Drinks
One of the top ingredients in the diet are sugary substances such as soft drinks that cause various diseases.
Consumption of sugar calories is very easy because liquid calories do not affect the calories of solid food.
Avoiding sugary substances such as soft drinks can keep you healthy for a long time.
Note that you should not replace soda with fruit juices because juices have the same amount of sugar.
But healthy drinks like water, green tea and coffee are not a problem.
Replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with no-sugar alternatives:
How to break your sugar addiction in 10 days:
11.Serve Unhealthy Food on Red Plates
One strategy for you to eat less unhealthy foods is to eat unhealthy foods on red plates. This strategy can be used more for unhealthy snacks.
The reason for this could be that red is a deterrent to unhealthy foods.
How to create a healthy plate :
12.Drink your coffee black
Consuming black coffee not only reduces your calories by 500 calories per week, but because more than 60% those calories are from sugar, you also reduce the risk insulin resistance, diabetes and other metabolic disorders.
Black coffee benefits:
13.Replace canola and soybean oils with olive oil
Canola and soybean oils cause chronic inflammation, weight gain and skin problems due to the presence inflammatory omega-6. A bottle of olive oil can help lower blood pressure, reduce appetite and lose weight.
Olive oil is the best ,soybean oil is the worst!Dr,berg explain why!
14.Put a snack in your bag
Research shows that people who eat late and eat more between meals are more likely to gain weight than those who eat more. When you exercise with empty stomach, more hunger hormones are released, so you eat more at the next meal. Always try to have a snack with you.
15.Have at least one meat-free meal
You do not need to be a vegan to enjoy a meatless diet. Have a meat-free lunch or dinner at least one day a week and get the protein your body needs through plant-based foods. You feel even fuller than foods with beef or pork.
16.Keep a Stocked Freezer
Try to keep some foods in your refrigerator. If you have frozen meat, vegetables and fruits in your freezer, you do not have to eat unhealthy foods.
17.Eat from your own cooking
If you make your own food, you can eat healthier foods while you can control the meal calories . For example, a lunch that you prepare yourself has 400 calories and you consume 600 calories, but if you want the same food in a restaurant, you can Have 1100 calories.
18.Stop drinking alcohol to lose weight
Drinking wine has many benefits and is relatively healthy if consumed in moderation (two glasses a day). But these two glasses a day can increase your weight. For example, drinking two glasses beer a day can have 2,000 calories. Stop drinking alcohol to lose weight. By doing this, you can lose two pounds a month.
19.Eat half your meal at the restaurant
We do not think it is a problem to eat at a restaurant, but ask the waiter to collect half of your food.
20.Lose weight just by standing and use stairs instead of elevators
Try to stand behind the table. Research has shown that standing 6 hours a day behind a table can burn 54 calories. This may not be much, but you can burn about 1000 calories a month just by standing.
Try using stairs instead of elevators, which increase your heart rate and help you lose weight.
Stairs workout :
21.Drink lemon juice
Drinking lemon juice is a healthy alternative to soft drinks and even water that helps you lose weight. Just one lemon, because it contains vitamin C, low the stress-releasing hormone cortisol. The stress hormone causes hunger and fat storage. Lemons are also good for the skin.

Drink lemon water for 30 days, the result will amaze you :
Healthy lemon drink – lemon juice belly slimming detox water recipe:
22.Drink cinnamon and peppermint tea for weight loss
Not only is tea a low-calorie alternative to coffee-containing drinking , but certain types of this drink can help you lose weight. Drinking cinnamon tea can help decrease your blood sugar as well as your weight.
Peppermint tea can help you lose weight because peppermint is appetizing, peppermint oil can relax the stomach muscles, increase bile flow and improve fat digestion.
The health benefits of cinnamon you need to know + 4 weight loss recepie :
23.Boost your cooking skills
Try to boost our cooking skills. When you know how to cook, you can make the most protein and vegetables and control the amount calories you need.
If you do not know how to cook, increase this skill by watching cooking instruction videos on the Internet and YouTube or cooking classes from today. Improving your cooking skills can help you lose weight.
Cooking recepie to improve your skill :
23.Try a probiotic
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that are essential for digestion. Probiotics can affect weight, fat mass and mood.
Humans act as hosts for these bacteria, feeding them food, including fiber. bacteria are good for a person’s gut and general health.
Benefits of probiotics:
Energy for the intestinal wall and liver cells
Certain fatty acids that have anti-cancer properties
Body weight regulator
A diet high in sugar and fat can alter the balance bacteria in the gut and reduce the number good bacteria.
Research shows that probiotics can help prevent or control obesity. People can buy (OTC) probiotics at pharmacies or online.
Some natural probiotics include:
- yogurt
- Sour cabbage
- Kefir
- Miso
- Kombucha
Probiotics benefits:
Tried probiotics for 30 days/ before & after:
24.Reduce stress
Increased stress levels disrupt hormonal balance, and this hormonal disorder causes an increase in appetite and consequently weight gain.
Stress reduction methods include:
- Regular exercise
- Reduce caffeine consumption
- Practice meditation
- Saying no to non-essential commitments
- Spending time outdoors
- yoga
How to reduce stress with 2:1 breathing technique:
Daily habits to reduce stress and anxiety :
25.Get more vitamin D
Research has shown that people with low vitamin D levels do not get enough exercise and are more likely to be obese.
What diseases does vitamin D deficiency cause?
Metabolic syndrome
depression and anxiety
Type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
In what sources is vitamin D found?
You can get vitamin D from sunlight or from food. Foods that contain vitamin D include egg , fatty fish, and some mushrooms.
You can also buy vitamin D supplements from pharmacies or online shopping.
Best ways to raise your vitamin D levels:
26.Make snacks healthier
According to research conducted in 2016, most people get calories from snacks.
Snacks have increased compared to the past and people eat more snacks, and it is better that the snacks that are consumed are healthy and home-made foods, and snacks increase satiety and the number of calories. The number of people eating during meals is reduced.
Some healthy snacks include:
- yogurt
- Dried plums or dates
- High-fiber fruits, such as apples, bananas and oranges
- High-fiber vegetables, including carrots and broccoli
- A handful of unsalted, tasteless nuts, such as almonds or walnuts
Easy healthy snack ideas:
27.Eat with your family
Sitting and eating a healthy meal with your family can also help with weight control. Eating at home can reduce fat and sugar intake.
28.Don’t shy away from the scale
Don’t shy to weigh yourself. Do not worry about your weight fluctuating. Sometimes your weight may fluctuate due to salt and food water. If you want to measure your weight, it is better to measure it in the morning before breakfast. Measuring your weight daily can help you lose weight.
29.write how many calories you get or burn: use application
Write down the number calories you eat and the calories you burn through exercise. There are many applications today to calculate the number calories you can use. This will help you lose weight.
Download calculate calories app for android
How to calculate your daily calories:
How to calculate calories to lose weight:
How to calculate how many calories you need:
How to calculate your calories intake?(2 easy methods):
In video you watch top 10 ways to lose weight without exercise in a week :
10 habits to lose weight without exercise or diet :
How to lose weight fast without exercise :
How to lose weight in 3 days without exercise:
To summarize, how to lose weight in 3 days without exercise:
Be sure to exercise regularly, not to exercise one day and then forget to exercise, for example, be sure to exercise 3 days a week.
Have strength and aerobic exercises
Eat plenty of salt and sugar.
Water consumption can reduce your weight by up to 900 grams
How to lose weight in 5 days without exercise:
Do not eat anything. Drink a glass of cold water when you feel hungry. Add some salt to a quarter of the water.
Adhere to your diet.
You will be very hungry in these 48 hours that you have not eaten. Drink some water whenever you feel hungry. You do not feel hungry after a while because the stomach gets smaller. After that you can start with soup and then eat eggs or protein. Then start eating.
Try to walk at least one hour a day during these 5 days.
Go to bed on time. Good night is very important.
How to lose weight without exercise in a week:
1.Set your goal to lose weight without exercise in a week
The first point is to set a goal for yourself in a week weight loss. For example, say I have to lose 10 pounds in 7 days.
Do not think negatively that I can not lose weight in a week. Always repeat to yourself that I can lose 10 pounds this week and do this everywhere in your house, including on the mirror, refrigerator, etc.
2.Track your calories to lose weight without exercise in a week
Track your calories in a week weight loss so you know how many calories to eat and how many calories to burn.
3.Stop liquid calories to lose weight without exercise in a week
If you always drink coffee or are addicted to coffee or soda, do not drink during a week. Drink water instead of soda
In what sources is vitamin D found?
You can get vitamin D from sunlight or from food. Foods that contain vitamin D include egg , fatty fish, and some mushrooms.
You can also buy vitamin D supplements from pharmacies or online shopping.
How to lose weight in 3 days without exercise?
Be sure to exercise regularly, not to exercise one day and then forget to exercise, for example, be sure to exercise 3 days a week.
Have strength and aerobic exercises
Eat plenty of salt and sugar.
Water consumption can reduce your weight by up to 900 grams
How to lose weight in 5 days without exercise?
Do not eat anything. Drink a glass of cold water when you feel hungry. Add some salt to a quarter of the water.
Adhere to your diet.
You will be very hungry in these 48 hours that you have not eaten. Drink some water whenever you feel hungry. You do not feel hungry after a while because the stomach gets smaller. After that you can start with soup and then eat eggs or protein. Then start eating.
Try to walk at least one hour a day during these 5 days.
Go to bed on time. Good night is very important.
The Bottom Line
In many cases, you can lose weight without any exercise and only by modifying your life habits.
For example, what foods to eat more and prioritize for food, for example eating protein or sticky fiber can help you lose weight without exercise in a week.
Some of these habits are eating on smaller plates, drinking water, and avoid eating in front of a TV or cell phone.
However, try not to all these methods together. Try one method first and if you get the answer, test for another method.
If you want to lose your weight with yoga at home read this article: yoga for weight loss at home for female